Small animal coursesSmall animal coursesA Practical Approach to First Opinion, Small Animal CardiologyDescriptionThe course aims to provide small animal, first opinion clinicians with a logical approach to the most commonly encountered cardiac presentations. This will include 3 lectures, a workshop on ECG interpretation and clinical scenarios for delegates to implement the information from the day.
Beyond the pale! How do I get a better outcome for my anaemic patients in 2025?DescriptionThis interactive single day course will comprise of an overview of how we define a significant anaemia and when this becomes something we should treat or monitor. There will be lecture updates on our current understanding of how we characterise, approach and treat anaemias based on their demographic and species in which they occur.
Blood Smears and Cytology in First Opinion Practice for Alumni OnlyDescriptionThis highly practical course for Alumni only aims to improve your confidence in the analysis of blood smears and cytological preparations, including skin masses, lymph nodes, and body cavity fluids.
Canine and Feline Ear Surgery - a practical dayDescriptionThis will be a practical based cadaver course on ear surgery of cats and dogs aimed at intermediate to advanced surgeons who would like to improve their skills in ear surgery.
Case Based Ophthalmology for General PractitionerDescriptionThis will be an interactive, case-based day, consisting of small group discussions working through a range of ophthalmic presentations. We will look at some common presentations seen in first opinion practice, as well as covering a few more challenging cases. The focus throughout will be on developing a thorough, consistent diagnostic approach.
This course aims to make first opinion ophthalmology more rewarding (and less scary) by improving your logical, problem-solving approach to ophthalmic cases.
Everyday Ophthalmic SurgeryDescriptionThis course is aimed at general practitioners who would like to enhance their ophthalmic surgical skills and improve their patient outcomes. This day is designed to be highly applicable to first opinion practice, providing tips and tricks to improve your techniques and avoid potential complications.
Feline Orthopaedics; the Pelvis and Hindlimb (Intermediate Level)DescriptionThis intermediate level course is a highly practical course based on common orthopaedic conditions of the hindlimb. Practical / dissection time will be maximised, and theoretical “teaching” time will be minimised. Topics to be covered can be adjusted to suit the delegates learning requirements, depending on class size, disparity of requirements and delegate requests. This will be determined by completion of a pre-course questionnaire and used to define leaning objectives specifically tailored to the delegates. Topics to be covered: - Surgical approach to the feline hip - Surgical approach to the feline ilial wing & ilial body - Surgical approach to the femur - Hip: capital physeal fracture repair, hip luxation stabilisation, femoral head and neck excision arthroplasty - Ilial body fracture repair - Sacroiliac fracture luxation - Femoral diaphyseal fracture repair - Distal femoral metaphyseal (supracondylar) fracture repair
Hocus Pocus - the Magic Point of Care Ultrasound in Emergencies (POCUS)DescriptionAn interactive discussion of point of care ultrasound (POCUS), with a focus on the application of both abdominal and thoracic focused assessment using sonography for trauma as well as lung ultrasound. This will focus on the application of POCUS in all emergency cases, not just those involving trauma, to allow detailed assessment of the cardio-respiratory system. Delegates will then have the opportunity to practice obtaining these skills on live animals and develop a systematic approach allowing for rapid assessment of future cases. Topics to be covered: - Application of POCUS in the emergency patient using a standardised approach. - Utility of POCUS in monitoring or carrying out procedures in critical patients. - The practical application of POCUS
Intermediate Small Animal Abdominal UltrasoundDescriptionThis highly interactive and practical course will focus on how to get the most out of an abdominal ultrasound examination (including small abdominal structures). Presentations on each body system will consider imaging techniques, normal findings and common pathological changes. These are followed by practical scanning sessions supported by experienced tutors. Delegates will have the chance to use a range of ultrasound machines and get plenty of opportunity to practice their technique on a live dogs.
Introduction to Practical EndoscopyDescriptionThis practical two–day hands-on course will focus on the techniques of both flexible and rigid endoscopy in the dog. The course will provide an overview of selecting and handling endoscopes and cover the techniques used in endoscopy of the upper and lower intestinal tract, the respiratory tract and lower urinary tract. The delegates will enjoy the opportunity to perform endoscopy in the School of Veterinary Medicine and Science’s wet lab and enjoy extensive hands-on opportunities over the two days.
Introduction to Small Animal UltrasoundDescriptionThis highly interactive and practical one-day course will focus on how to get the most out of ultrasound machines, and how to image the major abdominal organs and the heart. Presentations on each body system will consider imaging techniques, normal findings and a brief overview of common pathological changes. These are followed by practical scanning sessions supported by experienced tutors. Delegates will have the chance to use a range of ultrasound machines and get plenty of opportunity to practice their technique on live dogs.
Let There be Light! - Ophthalmology for BeginnersDescriptionIf the thought of an eye consult fills you with fear, this day is for you! This highly interactive day will help to build your confidence and develop a logical, problem-solving approach to common ophthalmic presentations. The course will include top tips to improve your ophthalmic examination, dealing with ophthalmic emergencies and a case-based approach to corneal ulcers and other common ophthalmic presentations.
Practical Small Animal Echocardiography - An IntroductionDescriptionThis practical one day course will focus on the generation and interpretation of basic cardiac ultrasound images in the dog. The course will provide an overview of the equipment and facilities needed and cover the techniques used in the generation and interpretation of right parasternal long and short axis echocardiographic images. The delegates will enjoy the opportunity to carry our echocardiography in the School of Veterinary Medicine and Science's teaching laboratory with a significant proportion of the time dedicated to "hands-on" echo.
Something old, something new something borrowed and something poo!DescriptionThis interactive single day course will comprise of an overview of what we mean by chronic intestinal disease and how this is now classified in dogs and cats. There will be lecture updates on the use of antibiotics and also what new treatments we have for CIE including FMT. This will culminate in a case-based workshop to look at the ways in which we can successfully manage these often very frustrating cases in various clinical settings but particularly primary care practice.
Surgical Management of Urethral Obstruction in the CatDescriptionOverview: This highly practical one-day course will focus on the surgical management of urethral obstruction in the cat. The course will be very practical in nature and will take place in the wet lab of the centre. All surgical procedures will be demonstrated before delegates are given the opportunity to perform each procedure for themselves. Where appropriate the course will also include explanatory seminars/tutorials. Topics to be covered: Surgical anatomy urogenital tract in the male cat
The Liver and Pancreas – taking the Challenges and Frustrations out of Diagnosis and ManagementDescriptionThe liver and pancreas - taking the challenges and frustrations out of diagnosis and mangement. A case-based workshop.
Wound Reconstruction - a Practical DayDescriptionThis will be a practical based cadaver course on wound reconstructive surgery in cats and dogs.