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Online Courses

Online Courses

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Introduction to Metrology Online Course


The course, delivered via Moodle, provides cutting-edge lectures on a range of metrology topics for dimensional measurement of modern manufactured structures.

StartEndPlaces LeftCourse Fee 
01/09/202101/01/20270[Read More]
Diverse students working on laptops

JBI Scoping Review Workshop (May 2025)


This workshop (run online over 2 half days) enables participants to explore the theories and concepts relating to scoping reviews and other types of evidence synthesis. The workshop equips participants with the knowledge and tools required to successfully plan for, and undertake, a scoping review following the JBI approach. The workshop is run by experts from the University of Nottingham's Centre for Evidence Based Healthcare.

The workshop will run from 09:30-13:30 on each day (14th & 15th May 2025)

StartEndCourse Fee 
14/05/202515/05/2025[Read More]

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