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Feline Orthopaedics; the Pelvis and Hindlimb (Intermediate Level)


Course Information

Feline Orthopaedics; the Pelvis and Hindlimb (Intermediate Level)

This intermediate level course is a highly practical course based on common orthopaedic conditions of the hindlimb. 

Practical / dissection time will be maximised, and theoretical “teaching” time will be minimised. 

Topics to be covered can be adjusted to suit the delegates learning requirements, depending on class size, disparity of requirements and delegate requests. This will be determined by completion of a pre-course questionnaire and used to define leaning objectives specifically tailored to the delegates.   

Topics to be covered:

- Surgical approach to the feline hip 

- Surgical approach to the feline ilial wing & ilial body 

- Surgical approach to the femur 

- Hip: capital physeal fracture repair, hip luxation stabilisation, femoral head and neck excision arthroplasty 

- Ilial body fracture repair 

- Sacroiliac fracture luxation 

- Femoral diaphyseal fracture repair 

- Distal femoral metaphyseal (supracondylar) fracture repair 

Course Code


Course Leader

Gareth Arthurs
Course Description

By the end of this course, you will be able to:

- Safe surgical dissection for common orthopaedic conditions of the feline pelvis, hip and femur

- Appropriate implant selection, placement & fracture stabilisation techniques for
- sacroiliac luxation,
- hip luxation, 

- femoral fracture repair; capital physeal, femoral neck & femoral diaphysis    


Required delegate attributes:

- Previous experience of orthopaedic surgery - Basic tissue & instrument handling skills. 

- Knowledge how to apply locking and non-locking plates i.e. DCPs and LCP/DLPs  .

StartEndPlaces LeftCourse Fee 
Feline Orthopaedics; the Pelvis and Hindlimb (Intermediate Level) 25% discount for booking before 31 mar 25
21/10/202521/10/20250£746.25[Read More]

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