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CEP 2025: Creating Experiments in PsychoPy

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Event Information

Creating Experiments in Python logo
Dates of Event
1st April 2025 – 3rd April 2025
Last Booking Date for this Event
24th March 2025


A 3-day intensive workshop teaching you to create better psychology and neuroscience experiments in PsychoPy and Python.

We will be teaching you to:

  • create experiments with PsychoPy's graphical Builder interface
  • use Python to code a study from scratch
  • efficiently combine code with Builder experiments, for the optimal combination of ease and flexibility
  • how to launch an experiment online via PsychoJS and Pavlovia.org
  • interact with a range of hardware from your experiment (e.g. EEG, eyetracking)

The sessions are designed for beginners but the sections on coding do move at a fairly high pace to cater for more intermediate-level attendees as well.

See also the 1-day workshop to follow, on using PsychoPy with Tobii eyetrackers and BrainProducts EEg systems

Attendee CategoryCost   
Academic staff delegate£450.00

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