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PsychoPy + tobii eyetracking logo

PsychoPy + Tobii + BrainProducts 2025


A full-day specialist workshop teaching you to create experiments using PsychoPy in conjunction with Tobii eyetrackers and BrainProducts EEG systems.
We will be teaching you to:
- Integrate eye tracking components and EEG components into a single PsychoPy experiment 
- Understand the data outputs from all parts
Members from each company will be on-site to answer your questions throughout.
The session will assume some understanding of PsychoPy (there is a 3-day workshop for PsychoPy basics preceding this if useful), but you may be new to using Tobii and BrainProducts hardware or creating eye tracking experiments.

Attendee CategoryCost   
Academic Staff Delegate£200.00[Read More]
Industry Delegate£225.00[Read More]
Respect4neurodevelopment Attendee£100.00[Read More]
Student Delegate£150.00[Read More]

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