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Executive Education

Executive Education

Inclusive Leadership Programme

Inclusive Leadership Programme


Many organisations struggle with unconscious bias with cultural misunderstandings and structural barriers preventing inclusion. This programme tackles these challenges head-on with transformative workshops that create lasting change.

Recognising that true inclusion depends upon systemic change, the programme equips you with change management tools to influence your organisation's culture and policies, avoid prejudice and help your team members to thrive.

StartEndCourse Fee 
Standard Rate
29/04/202419/06/2024£2995.00[Read More]
Alumni & Second Person Rate
29/04/202419/06/2024£2395.00[Read More]
Early Bird - Available until 1st April
29/04/202519/06/2025£2395.00[Read More]
Principles of Corporate Governance

Principles of Corporate Governance


Corporate governance has grown very rapidly in the last 20 years and has become common for companies, charities, universities and local authorities. Understanding what constitutes good governance and implementing its principles are therefore critical for organisational success. This one-day course, guides participants through the intricacies of corporate governance, focusing on identification, implementation, and influence.

StartEndCourse Fee 
Standard Rate
14/05/202414/05/2024£595.00[Read More]
Alumni Rate
14/05/202414/05/2024£476.00[Read More]
23rd Jan Event Attendance Discount
14/05/202514/05/2025£535.00[Read More]

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