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Exotic animal courses

Exotic animal courses


Welfare in Captive Wildlife – A Global Perspective


Don't Miss This Exciting Full Day Workshop: Welfare in Captive Wildlife – A Global Perspective

Are you passionate about learning more about captive wildlife welfare? Join us for a unique and inspiring day packed with insights from leading experts and engaging activities designed to deepen your understanding on a range of captive welfare wildlife topics. Areas covered include addressing ingrained global captive wildlife welfare concerns, success and failures in legislation practices aimed at protecting captive wildlife, zoo industry-led initiatives to promote positive welfare and much more!

Spaces are limited, so we highly recommend you sign up early to ensure you don’t miss this unique opportunity

StartEndPlaces LeftCourse Fee 
Welfare in Captive Wildlife Price includes premade lunch
22/03/202522/03/20250£56.50[Read More]
Welfare in Captive Wildlife Student Price includes premade lunch
22/03/202522/03/20250£31.50[Read More]
Welfare in Captive Wildlife Full Price
22/03/202522/03/20250£50.00[Read More]
Welfare in Captive Wildlife Student Price
22/03/202522/03/20250£25.00[Read More]

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