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Advanced Neurology (Two Day Course)


Course Information

Vet School

Advanced Neurology (Two Day Course)

This course has mainly been designed for residents enrolled on a European College of Veterinary Neurology (ECVN) residency. The course may also be of interest to European College of Veterinary Surgery (ECVS) surgical residents or clinicians with an experience in neurosurgical procedures.   

Course Code


Course Leader

Sebastien Behr & Tom Cardy
Course Description

This course has mainly been designed for residents enrolled on a European College of Veterinary Neurology (ECVN) residency. The course may also be of interest to European College of Veterinary Surgery (ECVS) surgical residents or clinicians with an experience in neurosurgical procedures.   

The wet and dry lab course will cover the following advanced neurosurgical procedures: 

  • Ventral slot decompression 
  • Atlanto-axial stabilisation 
  • Lumbar corpectomy and mini-hemilaminectomy 
  • Lumbosacral dorsal laminectomy  
  • Lumbosacral stabilisation 
  • Thoracic dorsal laminectomy 
  • Craniotomies (parietal, transfrontal and sub-occipital) 
  • Dry lab with 3D printed bone models and guides for vertebral satbilisation  


The course is very generously sponsored by Veterinary Instrumentation (VI) and B. Braun Medical Ltd. Delegates will have access to the B. Braun Aesculap Elan 4 - the next generation of electric power systems for neuro and spinal surgery. The dry lab with 3D printed models and guides is sponsored by Vet3D.

Dinner on the evening of the first day will be included and sponsored by Linnaeus.   


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Advanced Neurology (Two Day Course)

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