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Nottingham International Trade Summer School

Nottingham International Trade Summer School


The GEP/CITP Nottingham International Trade Summer School is a four-day intensive course which offers a thorough grounding in international trade theory and policy, plus attendance two the two-day GEP/CEPR Summer International Trade Workshop. Participants will delve into foundational and advanced concepts guided by leading experts in the field. Key topics will include:

Day 1 (course work): Introduction to the neoclassical model and the gains from trade & investment Ricardian comparative advantage and the Eaton-Kortum model

Day 2 (course work): Optimal policy in an open economy, focusing on how trade policy can address distortions and distributive goals

Day 3 (course work): New trade models (Krugman and Melitz) and their implications on the conclusions of traditional trade theory

Day 4 (networking day): Research presentations by interested Summer School participants + social activity with lecturers and organisers + Summer School Dinner

Days 5 and 6: Participants are invited to attend the GEP/CEPR Summer International Trade Workshop

The total number of places available with accommodation ('full package') is 15 while there is no cap for participants who register without accommodation ('basic package')



Attendee CategoryCost   
Basic Package -Early bird registration£995.00[Read More]
Full Package -Early bird registration£1395.00[Read More]

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