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Core Surgical Skills 1


Course Information

Core Surgical Skills 1

After attending this course, you should have revised and gained both core and new skills in open surgery.  

Course Code


Course Leader

Rob White
Course Description


By the end of this course you should be able to:

  • Demonstrate safe operating techniques
  • More confidently handle and use surgical instruments
  • Better understanding of the use and misuse of common suture materials and surgical needles
  • Use a variety of surgical knots safely and effectively
  • Safely and confidently ligate a vascular pedicle (including the effective use of the modified Miller's knot)
  • Safely and confidently perform an ovariohysterectomy or ovariectomy in the bitch and queen
  • Perform safe and consistent closure of the linea alba using a continuous suture pattern, the sliding self-locking knot and the Aberdeen knot
  • Perform a gastrotomy in a safe and confident manner
StartEndPlaces LeftCourse Fee 
Core Surgical Skills 1 (25% discount for booking online before 31 March 2025)
07/05/202507/05/20250£240.00[Read More]

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