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Principles of Corporate Governance

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Course Information

Principles of Corporate Governance

Standard Rate

Corporate governance has grown very rapidly in the last 20 years and has become common for companies, charities, universities and local authorities. Understanding what constitutes good governance and implementing its principles are therefore critical for organisational success. This one-day course, guides participants through the intricacies of corporate governance, focusing on identification, implementation, and influence.

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Course Leader

Dr Tarek AbdelFattah
Course Description
  • Through this course, you will:

    • learn the underlying principles of good governance
    • explore corporate governance structures and mechanisms
    • understand how to develop appropriate governance structures and implement the principles of good governance in your organisation
    • learn how to influence corporate governance positively, fostering a culture of transparency, accountability, and ethical decision-making

    Through interactive sessions, case studies, and group discussions, participants will explore real-world examples and gain insights into effective governance practices. The course ends with an open discussion and Q&A session, allowing participants to engage in dialogue about the challenges and best practices of governance.


StartEndCourse Fee 
Standard Rate

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