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Powerleague Nottingham - 5-a-side

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Event Information

Dates of Event
1st August 2021 – 31st July 2025
Last Booking Date for this Event
31st August 2025


Powerleague Nottingham are now open 7 days a week giving you and your team the opportunity to play 5 a-side and 7 a-side football at their venue once again, whilst adhering to current government guidelines and social distancing. University of Nottingham Sport are pleased to offer University students, staff and members the opportunity to book a pitch at Powerleague Nottingham at a reduced price of £35.00 per hour.

Please ensure that you have checked availability for your preferred date and time and made a provisional booking by contacting uons-bookings@nottingham.ac.uk prior to making any online payments. Once a member of our team advises a reservation for a pitch can be made, please proceed to making your online payment below. Once received, we will confirm your booking with you.


Please visit https://www.powerleague.co.uk/5-a-side/midlands/nottingham for further information about opening times and services available.

Attendee CategoryCost   
Powerleague£35.00[Read More]

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