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InterStellar Donor Strain INT IND

Donor Strains



E. coli strains which can be used as conjugative donors.

Plasmid DNA propagated in the strains varies in its adenosine and cytosine methylation status due to the presence or absence of functional Dam and Dcm methyltransferases. Each is Mob+ Tra+ and all but S17.1 carry the conjugative plasmid R702 (TcR, SmR, SuR, HgR).

InterStellar = Stellar (R702): F – ara, ?(lac-proAB) [F80d lacZ?M15], rpsL(str), thi, ?(mrr-hsdRMS-mcrBC), ?mcrA, dam, dcm


Detailed Description

Strains are sent as agar slabs. Postal charges are destination dependent and added at check-out.

Parental strains Express and Stellar are the property of New England Biolabs and CLONTECH, respectively.

Queries should be addressed to: vectors@nottingham.ac.uk


Please note: It is the responsibility of the buyer to make sure that prior to purchase that the required goods are accepted into the destination country and that any required documentation (including import permits) are in place. Refunds cannot be processed for any orders returned to us due to customs issues. Please contact vectors@nottingham.ac.uk for any questions relating to ordering.

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