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School of Health Sciences Transcripts for Working Abroad

Globe and stethoscope



Our standard transcript will provide details of the modules completed, the results (pass or fail) and the marks where available. The transcript will show your name and degree title, along with your NMC PIN number (where relevant).
If you wish to work abroad your international employer or employment agency might require a more detailed transcript. If you require a more detailed transcript for working abroad please select the Transcripts for working abroad option in the School of Health Sciences area of the online store.


Detailed Description

Transcripts for working abroad (cost £75)

If you wish to work abroad your international employer or employment agency might require a very detailed transcript of the content you studied. This is so that they can make decisions about how your qualification and learning ‘maps’ across to the professional requirements of their own country.

If you require a detailed transcript for working abroad you should place your order and make payment through the online store. Your international employer or employment agency should then submit their request to the School of Health Sciences by email to;


On receipt of your form and the appropriate payment the University will complete the form and where possible provide the employer or agency with:

·               curriculum documentation that details the modules you studied

·               approval documentation that demonstrates you studied a     professionally accredited programme

·              placement documentation that shows the hours of placement learning you completed

Please note that record keeping systems have changed over time, and if you completed your studies some time ago, particularly earlier than 2010, we will not be able to provide you with a full set of documentation. We will always endeavour to provide as much information as we are able. If however we are not able to fulfil your request for a transcript for working abroad, your fee will be refunded.

Completed transcripts for working abroad will be sent directly to the requesting agency or employer. Requests may take up to 6 weeks to process from the date we receive your form.

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