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The Letters Page Volume 4



Due to the current situation we have suspended the sale of The Letters Page, Vol 4. If you wish to be informed when the online store has reopened please email english@nottingham.ac.uk.

The Letters Page, edited by Jon McGregor, is a literary journal in letters: all the stories, poems, and essays submitted are sent in the form of a handwritten letter.



Detailed Description

In this issue, Roddy Doyle writes to us about his mother’s letter writing habit, and how her letters unearthed distant relatives in Long Island; Andika Budiman sends us notes from a bookshop in Indonesia; Sarah Whiteside writes to the Finnish poet, Marko Hautala, and lets us listen in; Som-Mai Nguyen writes to us not once but twice; and Liam Harrison asks if it can really be true that Claire-Louise Bennett is no longer writing, as she claimed in our previous issue.

The Letters Page, Vol 4  is an 80 page craft-bound book with fold-out facsimile reproductions of the original handwritten letters, featuring a screen-printed cover which folds out to form its own mailing package, complete with wax seal.

For enquiries please contact jon.mcgregor@nottingham.ac.uk

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