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Bank Letter

Bank Letter



A letter for banks to confirm your address and course details, and that you are a registered student at the University of Nottingham. For use when opening a student bank account.


Detailed Description

Postgraduate Research (PGR) Students only – If you are a fully registered research student (PhD, MRes etc) please use THIS LINK to order a bank letter, any orders placed using the link at the top of the page will not be accepted.  For all other students, please continue to order via this page.  

We only provide an electronic version of your bank letter so please ensure that you include your email address in the delivery details of your order. 

Banks will allow you to upload this document directly to their application portal.  Some banks may ask you to print off a copy of your electronic letter to present in their branch.  You should check the exact application requirements with your bank.  

When opening a student bank account, you may be asked to provide proof that you are a student at the University of Nottingham.

Letter information - please read before ordering:

  • A bank letter will confirm your address and course details, and that you are a registered student at the University.
  • Please provide the full address of the bank you wish to open an account with, as the banks require us to address letters directly to them.
  • You are able to request a maximum of one letter.
  • Please check the accuracy of your address details on your portal before ordering, as the bank will require these details on your letter. If your address is incomplete this will cause a delay with your letter.  Banks will not accept letters with missing or incomplete addresses.  
  • Please note that if the room number of your Hall of Residence is not on your Student Record, we will not be able to produce your bank letter.   

If you have any queries, please submit an online enquiry or view our FAQs

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